Wales is pretty well known for its celtic saints of old, great kings and their kingdoms, booming choral voices singing hymns and arias, one fiery red dragon, and of course, its rich revival history. We wholeheartedly believe though, that there is much more to Wales than her past. Our Father in heaven loves this land and its countrymen and that He is still very much on the move here in Wales in all His splendour and magnificence. We love and honour the people of God that have come before us and the mighty acts of Our King that took place, but today is a new day and He is doing a new thing.
Who are we ?
We are simply a bunch of Jesus-loving people from different parts of Wales who came together to serve the Lord and each other by lifting up His Name through video. We are a non profit Christian TV channel that shares the good, life-changing news of Jesus across our nation and beyond.